Full Profile for Test NonAdmin - Belief Profile

Belief Profile for Test NonAdmin

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Quick Profile

Do you consider yourself a Christian?

Is the Bible the final authority of your beliefs?

Do you believe in God?  Discuss

Do you believe Jesus Christ is God? Discuss

Do you believe the Holy Spirit is God? Discuss

Have all humans sinned / disobeyed God?

Is faith in Jesus' death and physical resurrection required for salvation?

Do you believe in prayer?

What do you think happens when we die?

About the Bible

Is the Bible the final authority of your beliefs?

Was the Bible in the original languages inspired by God (God breathed)?
Not Answered

Was the Bible in the original languages infallible (with out fault)?
Not Answered

Was the Bible in the original languages inerrant (without contradiction)?
Not Answered

Is there only one authorized translation of the Bible?
Not Answered

Are all of the accounts in the Bible figurative?
Not Answered

Is the Bible complete/finished?
Not Answered

Do you read the Bible everyday?
Not Answered

About God

Do you believe in God?  Discuss

Do you believe in more than one God?

Did God have a beginning?
Not Answered

Is God omniscient (All Knowing)?
Not Answered

Is God omnipresent (Everywhere)?
Not Answered

Is God omnipotent (More powerful than everything)?
Not Answered

Is God good?
Not Answered

Did God create everything?
Not Answered

Does God have a body?
Not Answered

Does God change?
Not Answered

Can God be surprised?
Not Answered

Does God have free will?
Not Answered

About Jesus

Do you believe Jesus Christ is God? Discuss

Was Jesus created?
Not Answered

Did Jesus sin?
Not Answered

Did Jesus physically die on a cross?
Not Answered

Did Jesus physically rise from the dead?
Not Answered

Is Jesus coming back to earth?
Not Answered

About the Holy Spirit

Do you believe the Holy Spirit is God? Discuss

Does the Holy Spirit indwell in humans?
Not Answered

Does the Holy Spirit indwell everyone?
Not Answered

Is speaking in tongues the only "sign" of the Holy Spirit?
Not Answered

Should the Holy Spirit be referenced by personal pronouns such as He or Who?
Not Answered

About Sin

Have all humans sinned / disobeyed God?

Are humans born innocent until they commit a sin?
Not Answered

Is sin defined by the culture?
Not Answered

Can anyone obey the 10 commandments completely (literally and implied)?
Not Answered

Can our good outweigh our bad?
Not Answered

Has sin broken our relationship with God?
Not Answered

Is all human will and decisions influenced by sin?
Not Answered

Does God hate sin?
Not Answered

Can God be in the same place as sin?
Not Answered

Is the punishment of sin death?
Not Answered

Can our sins be completely forgiven by God?
Not Answered

Are you trying to kill sin in your life?
Not Answered

About Salvation

Do all people need to be saved?
Not Answered

Will everyone be saved?
Not Answered

Will people that are not saved go to Hell because of their sin?
Not Answered

Do humans deserve salvation?
Not Answered

Did God plan before the foundation of the earth who would be saved?
Not Answered

Can we save our self by doing good works?
Not Answered

Is faith in Jesus' death and physical resurrection required for salvation?

Does salvation require sorrow and repentance of sin?
Not Answered

Does salvation require regeneration (birth of new creation within)?
Not Answered

Can a person that is truly saved lose their salvation?
Not Answered

Have you asked God to forgive you of your sins and save you?
Not Answered

About Prayer

Do you believe in prayer?

Is a human mediator (e.g. priest) required for prayer?
Not Answered

Do you only read the prayers written by others?
Not Answered

Do you repeat the same prayer every time you pray?
Not Answered

Can you get anything from God if you ask it, believe it, receive it, and tell?
Not Answered

Does sin affect how God responds to prayer?
Not Answered

Does prayer change God's plans and decrees?
Not Answered

Do you pray?
Not Answered

About the Future

What do you think happens when we die?