About the Bible

A place to talk about the Bible

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Join or Follow this space to provide feedback on the profile questions and/or ask your own questions! **Profile Questions about the Bible ([Edit Your Profile](https://www.beliefprofile.com/user/account/edit "Edit Your Profile"))** - **[Is the Bible the final authority of your beliefs?](http://www.beliefprofile.com/content/perma?id=657 "Is the Bible the final authority of your beliefs?")** - **[Was the Bible in the original languages inspired by God (God breathed)?](http://www.beliefprofile.com/content/perma?id=659 "Was the Bible in the original languages inspired by God (God breathed)?")** - **[Was the Bible in the original languages infallible (with out fault)?](http://www.beliefprofile.com/content/perma?id=661 "Was the Bible in the original languages infallible (with out fault)?")** - **[Was the Bible in the original languages inerrant (without contradiction)?](http://www.beliefprofile.com/content/perma?id=663 "Was the Bible in the original languages inerrant (without contradiction)?")** - **[Is there only one authorized translation of the Bible?](http://www.beliefprofile.com/content/perma?id=665 "Is there only one authorized translation of the Bible?")** - **[Are all of the accounts in the Bible figurative?](http://www.beliefprofile.com/content/perma?id=667 "Are all of the accounts in the Bible figurative?")** - **[Is the Bible complete/finished?](http://www.beliefprofile.com/content/perma?id=669 "Is the Bible complete/finished?")** - **[Do you read the Bible everyday?](http://www.beliefprofile.com/content/perma?id=671 "Do you read the Bible everyday?")**


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