About Salvation

A place to talk about salvation

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Join or Follow this space to provide feedback on the profile questions and/or ask your own questions! **Profile Questions about Salvation ([Edit Your Profile](https://www.beliefprofile.com/user/account/edit "Edit Your Profile"))** - **[Do all people need to be saved?](http://beliefprofile.com/content/perma?id=673 "Do all people need to be saved?")** - **[Will everyone be saved?](http://beliefprofile.com/content/perma?id=675 "Will everyone be saved?")** - **[Will people that are not saved go to Hell because of their sin?](http://beliefprofile.com/content/perma?id=677 "Will people that are not saved go to Hell because of their sin?")** - **[Do humans deserve salvation?](http://beliefprofile.com/content/perma?id=679 "Do humans deserve salvation?")** - **[Did God plan before the foundation of the earth who would be saved?](http://beliefprofile.com/content/perma?id=681 "Did God plan before the foundation of the earth who would be saved?")** - **[Can we save our self by doing good works?](http://beliefprofile.com/content/perma?id=683 "Can we save our self by doing good works?")** - **[Is faith in Jesus' death and physical resurrection required for salvation?](http://beliefprofile.com/content/perma?id=685 "Is faith in Jesus' death and physical resurrection required for salvation?")** - **[Does salvation require sorrow and repentance of sin?](http://beliefprofile.com/content/perma?id=687 "Does salvation require sorrow and repentance of sin?")** - **[Does salvation require regeneration (birth of new creation within)?](http://beliefprofile.com/content/perma?id=689 "Does salvation require regeneration (birth of new creation within)?")** - **[Can a person that is truly saved lose their salvation?](http://beliefprofile.com/content/perma?id=691 "Can a person that is truly saved lose their salvation?")** - **[Have you asked God to forgive you of your sins and save you?](http://beliefprofile.com/content/perma?id=693 "Have you asked God to forgive you of your sins and save you?")**


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